Saturday, December 2, 2006

Lose Weight by Eating Right!

Ok, so I'm am a big advocate of losing weight the right/healthy way. Though many people who are desperate to lose a few pounds think that skipping meals is the way to do it, this is not healthy! Yes, for obvious reasons you will eventually lose that weight, but you I can guarantee that you will not be feeling in tip top shape! Your body will feel weaker because, not eating only deprives your body of the much needed energy it needs to function. When you don't give it that energy from food, your body goes into survival mode and starts to dig into the protein, carbohydrates and fats it has stored up from past meals. If you continue to not give your body the nourishment it needs, these energy stores will be depleted and the body will begin to use up muscle as its source of energy (including muscle from your heart and other organs). Not a good thing! Don't worry, this of course won't happen by skipping just a few meals. However, having the mindset that the easiest or quickest way to lose those pounds is by not eating, will only lead you down an unhealthy path. Ok, so what is a better way then? EAT!...but learn to do it right. MSN Health and Fitness has helpful tips on how to do this and I know there are many more sites out there on it as well! =)