Monday, February 26, 2007
First FDA approved diet pill
Just recently the FDA has put their first stamp of approval on an over-the-counter diet pill. This new pill, called Alli, works by blocking the about 25% of the fat you eat from being absorbed. Diet pills are not something I have ever been a fan of, but if taken correctly, I think this could help a lot of people. For those people who exercise and try to watch what they eat, but still can't lose the weight they want, this may be their answer. It doesn't shed the pounds instantly, but over time, it has been proven to help lose weight. I'm sure a lot of people over use or misuse diet pills, thinking it will help them lose weight faster...but that's not the case with this pill. If missused, it will only worsen the side effects which would mainly consist of some serious diarrhea. So, if you are looking for something to help you lose weight ( in ADDITION to a good diet and exercise!) then this may be something to check out.