Saturday, December 8, 2007
Massage Chairs are GREAT!
Massages are great! Not only do they feel good, but they are a great way to realize stress. However, getting a professional massage every time you need one is not the most practical or affordable thing to do. Instead, you might want to look into investing in a good massage chair. Human Touch has developed several amazing Massage Chairs and products and has recently added the new HT 7450 Zero Gravity Massage Chair. This chair combines Percussion, Rolling, Compression, and Kneading techniques. I love sitting in massage chairs, but since I’m short a lot of times the motions don’t hit the right spots on my back. However, this new massage chair from Human Touch helps fix this problem! Human Touch explains that “the HT 7450 Zero Gravity Massage Chair calibrates the body frame of the individual sitting in it and adjusts according to that individual’s unique physique, so each massage in the HT 7450 is perfectly focused on the right areas of the body.” I definitely need to try this one out! Sounds like a good Christmas idea!