With the popularity of online shopping, putting your business online may be just what you need to make it boom. Online shopping has become so easy that if your customers do not have that option it may just inch your company out of the competition. Of course, setting up an online store isn’t the easiest thing to do. However, there is some great software available to help get you started.
Ashop Commerce shopping cart Software is one that seems to have everything you need to get started, and maintain your business online. Ashop provides you with thousands of features, allows you to fully customize your store design, and even offers a free trial so you can test it out and see if its right for you. I would definitely recommend checking them out to help you get started with an online business that looks professional, is easy to use, and one that your customers will want to keep visiting!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Panthers Round Two...
Tomorrow is another big game for our Panther's! Round two of the playoffs is tomorrow afternoon. Its another sold out, home game which should give a little extra boost to our team. They'll play Delaware, and I'm sure it will be another great game. I wasnt able to get a ticket before they sold out, but it will be played on TV so I still plan to watch it and hopefully see them come away with another victory! GOOOO PANTHERS! =)
Weight Loss Surgery
There are so many people in our country who face problems with obesity and just cant seem to lose the weight that they need to. Many of these people choose to have stomach bypass surgery, which makes the stomach smaller and allows food to bypass part of the small intestine. I am NOT an advocate for this surgery at all, it is extremely dangerous and I think there are other much better options out there for losing weight. One option that is similar to gastric bypass surgery, but has much less risk involved is the Lapband. With this procedure, the stomach is made smaller but it is adjustable and patients lost weight slower than with the bypass surgery. (Which is MUCH healthier for your body.) If you are considering having a procedure done to lose weight, be sure and look into all the pros and cons before deciding. If you think its right for you, find a specialized lap-band doctor and talk with them further to see if its the right solution for you life.

This post is sponsored by Journey Lite.
This post is sponsored by Journey Lite.
Its cold in here!
BRRRRR...Our house is down to about 58 degrees! The other day my roommate came home and heard something dripping. She went downstairs and the basement floor around the heater was soaking wet! For some reason, our heater to dripping/pouring out water when its on. So, we've turned the heat way down so it wont kick on as much. Even with it turned down though, it still filled up our kitchen garbage can with water! AHHH I hope this gets fixed soon!
Thanks PayPerPost!
PayPerPost is an awesome way to make money! My boyfriend, Jake, started blogging for payperpost last year and when I saw how much money he was making with it I just had to get hooked up with it too! I get pretty busy with school and other things, so I'm not always very diligent at posting but it's great for me to always have that extra option to turn to so I can make some extra money. Since I am still new to the blogging world, I do not have a page rank on my blog but I hope to someday! The higher the page rank the better the post opportunities that are available to you. Then you can REALLY make the big bucks with payperpost
With PPP, it's great to have such a wide variety of opportunities available. I also signed up with a couple other blog marketing sites, but the others do not have even CLOSE to the amount of posts available or the diversity of posts. I really like having the option to choose a different post if I don't like one that is being offered.
My goal is to use my money from PayPerPost to get my computer paid off…really fast! =)

With PPP, it's great to have such a wide variety of opportunities available. I also signed up with a couple other blog marketing sites, but the others do not have even CLOSE to the amount of posts available or the diversity of posts. I really like having the option to choose a different post if I don't like one that is being offered.
My goal is to use my money from PayPerPost to get my computer paid off…really fast! =)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
My New Job!
This week I'm starting a new job as a waitress for a fancy Italian resaurant called Ferraris and so far I really like it! Its so much better than my last job...as a telemarketer. Yes, I was desparite; I needed a job and thats what was avaible right away! However, after about a week and a half I got a call from the manager at Ferraris saying he'd like to set up an interview. I was extremely thrilled! =) Telemarketing was just not my thing. I knew I couldnt last long at that job so before I even knew I had the waitressing position for sure, I quit! Haha...I had never quit a job like that, so it felt a little weird; especially since I hadn't even been there two full weeks yet! I was so relived when I walked out of that place...and I never have to go back. WooHoo! =) Anways...I think this new position is going to be a lot of fun. The restaurant has a great atmosphere, amazing food, and fun people to work with. I can't wait to officially start serving!
Bid 4 Prizes
Do you like winning free gifts?? Of COURSE you do…who doesn’t?! If you are like every other American who likes free stuff (and I don’t mean a free pen or keychain) then you should check out Bid4Prizes. This site is set up like an auction, with tons of great items including Apple I-Phones, HDTVs, designer bags, and even cash prizes. Unlike an auction though, the LOWEST unique bid wins the prize…for free! Not only do you have a chance to win prizes, you get to have fun doing it. Check out the Bid4Prizes sweepstakes and place a guess, you never know what you might win!
Go Panthers!
Wow...our Panther football team is AWESOME! My family and I got to go to the first playoff game on Saturday which was a lot of fun. What a game! Our team was ahead most of the game (not by much though) but then with less than 2 minutes left New Hampshire scored pulling them ahead by a couple points. Everyone was stunned and couldnt believe that the game had taken such a turn with not much time left. BUT our Panthers were up to the pressure and marched the ball right back down the field and made an amazing touchdown pass play leaving only 7 seconds left on the clock!!! WOW! Everyone went crazy. Hah...I dont think there was anyone watching that didnt jump off their seat. On the way home, Steven said..."I think I screamed like a girl when they scored!" It was so exciting. This Saturday is round two...GO PANTHERS! =)
Thanksgiving Break
I cant believe its already the Wednesday after Thanksgiving break! It was so nice having a full week off last week. Usually we only have the day before and day after Thanksgiving, but this year we had the WHOLLLLLE week! It still didnt seem like enough though. Breaks always go by wayyyy to fast! Jon got to come back for most of the week, from California. So that was great to see him! I had a ton of fun living with him this summer and I miss having him around so its always nice when he gets to come visit!
Monday, November 5, 2007
New Baby in the Family!
Thursday night Jenna and Scott had their little baby girl, Kaelyn! She is sooooo adorable! Jake and I went up to Albert Lea this weekend and got to spend some time with Kaelyn and the rest of Jake's family. It was such a great time. She is so prefect! Thinking about little Kaelyn makes me remember how amazing God is and what a miracle a little baby is! I'm so excited to have one (and soon two!) in the family now...Jake is such a proud uncle =)
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Need some quick cash?
As a college student, I definitely know what it is like to be low on cash! Sometimes that car payment or phone bill lands just before pay day and it can be stressful coming up with enough money. If you find yourself in one of these situations, there may be a solution for you to check out. A payday loan is short term loan that can range from $100 to $1500, to meet your money needs on the spot. Check out Payday Loan Quotes to see if this is a good option for you.
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