PayPerPost is an awesome way to make money! My boyfriend, Jake, started blogging for payperpost last year and when I saw how much money he was making with it I just had to get hooked up with it too! I get pretty busy with school and other things, so I'm not always very diligent at posting but it's great for me to always have that extra option to turn to so I can make some extra money. Since I am still new to the blogging world, I do not have a page rank on my blog but I hope to someday! The higher the page rank the better the post opportunities that are available to you. Then you can REALLY make the big bucks with payperpost
With PPP, it's great to have such a wide variety of opportunities available. I also signed up with a couple other blog marketing sites, but the others do not have even CLOSE to the amount of posts available or the diversity of posts. I really like having the option to choose a different post if I don't like one that is being offered.
My goal is to use my money from PayPerPost to get my computer paid off…really fast! =)